But in a world with limited shelf space (and even more limited funding for archives), perhaps my experience of playing Adventure as a 14-year-old can’t…
Zobacz więcej „Kontekst jest ważny…” (sł. gołaszewski)Metodologia
In a landmark 2010 paper in Nature, [Daniela] Schiller (then a postdoc at New York University) and her NYU colleagues, including Joseph E. LeDoux and…
Zobacz więcej MetodologiaAPPROACHING „N=ALL”
For most of history, people have worked with relatively small amounts of data because the tools for collecting, organizing, storing, and analyzing information were poor.…
Zobacz więcej APPROACHING „N=ALL”Zabezpieczone: Kto za tym stoi?
Brak zajawki, ponieważ wpis jest zabezpieczony hasłem.
Zobacz więcej Zabezpieczone: Kto za tym stoi?