koncert punkowy w Remoncie (sala Riviery), 1979 (nie: chyba jednak 1981… – mr m.); grupa z Norwegii (i jednak nie The Aller Værste! – zob. uaktualnienie niżej)  na autobusie widać nazwę EP „TAV!”)

uaktualnienie (f-book, 2020):

no this is def not The Aller Værste as mentioned. I know they toured Poland togheter with DePress and Kjøtt.
Thanks Kjelli! So this is TAV? Do you know what year Kjøtt were in Poland. It’s interesting that Norwegian punk bands were one of the first playing in PL.


This blog has more about the tour, but its sadly in norwegian…

…ale w f-booku trwa nadal dyskusja, kto to może być; i zdania są mocno podzielone. Cóż…
mr m.